Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Oracle Histograms - Tips and Techniques

Histograms are a cost-based optimizer (CBO) feature that  allows for Oracle to see the possible number of values of a particular  column. This is known as data skewing and histograms can track the  number of occurrences of a particular data value when deciding on what  type of index to use or even whether to use an index at all. Histograms  give the CBO the ability to see the uniqueness of a particular data  value.

This article will show how to create histograms and illustrate their  usefulness in the CBO decision-making process. This article will also  discuss two methods of setting up histograms (height-based and  value-based) and when to use each method.

A histogram is nothing more than a series of buckets (default is 75  buckets) where the number of values occurring within a range is tracked  in these buckets. These buckets are established by the  statistics-collection methods. Using DBMS_STATS, the following syntax  will establish 20 buckets for the ENAME column in the EMP table:

('scott','emp', METHOD_OPT => 'FOR COLUMNS SIZE 20 ename');
Information about existing histograms can be viewed in [DBA USER  ALL]_TAB_HISTOGRAMS and [DBA USER ALL]_TAB_COL_STATISTICS. If histograms  are created on partitioned objects, then additional information can be  gleaned from DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS and DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS.

I have created two objects: EMP and EMP_NO_HISTOGRAMS for our example  here. I created a bunch of extra rows (458,000 in both) and changed 25  percent of them to "HOTKA."

The SQL statement “select count(ename), ename from emp group by  ename;” is useful to show possible data skewing within the key values of  our test EMP tables. Notice in Example 1 that there are more JONES and  SMITHS than the other names and that there are more HOTKA names than any  other name.

Example 1: Possible data skewing.

I have created an index on the ENAME column on both objects. I ran  statistics on both objects, creating a histogram on the ENAME column in  the EMP table; see Example 2 for the syntax I used to generate a  20-bucket histogram on the EMP table.

Example 2: 20-bucket histogram on EMP table.

There are two kinds of histograms: height-based and value-based. A  height-based histogram is when there are more values than buckets and  the histogram statistics shows a range of rows across the buckets. A  value-based histogram is when there is a bucket for each value. Which  one do you use? This SQL might help: “select distinct(count(ename)) from  emp;”. If there are hundreds of values (using this SQL), then set the  SIZE parameter large enough so that Oracle can see the skewing (the SQL  in Example 1 might help here). If there are less than 100 values (for  example), then set the SIZE parameter to the number of values expected.  Oracle will populate these buckets based on the data. What size is  appropriate? This is difficult to determine by a rule-of-thumb.  Experiment with different sizes until you either see the histogram being  used on skewed data or you get better results. You can use the ‘SIZE  AUTO’ option that will let Oracle decide how many buckets to assign.  There is no option to tell Oracle to do one kind of histogram over the  other.

Let’s see how our histogram came out on the EMP table. Notice in  Example 3 that USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS shows us that we have ten  distinct values in the ENAME column. Notice that we have ten buckets for  column ENAME in the USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS. Oracle stores the  ENDPOINT_VALUE in hex so it is difficult to see the data when creating  histograms on character data. Oracle created a “value-based” histogram.  We can see that Oracle did store useful information. For example, notice  the difference between row four and row five below, row five represents  the “HOTKA” bucket.

Example 3: Visualizing the histogram buckets.

Let’s see how we did. I will use my freeware JSTuner tool for  illustration purposes.

Example 4 shows a sample SQL statement selecting on the “HOTKA” value  and the explain plan shows the index being accessed via a Range Scan.  This is probably the best choice since the EMP_NO_HISTOGRAMS does not  have a histogram so the CBO cannot see the data skewing. Notice in  Example 5 that using the same SQL but against the object EMP with a  histogram on the ENAME column, we got a different explain plan. The CBO  can now see that “HOTKA” is most prevalent in the database, and chose to  scan the index at the leaf level using multi-block read-ahead (Fast  Full Scan) instead of the Range Scan in example 4.

Example 4: Sample SQL using the index via range  scan.


Example 5: Sample SQL using the index via fast  full scan.

Is one explain plan better than the other? It is hard to say and it  is equally hard to say how this will play out in your applications. This  simple test simply shows that the CBO will take into account the  availability of a histogram and arrive at a different explain plan that  will attempt to make a better selection based on the information the CBO  has about the data.


The CBO makes decisions based on statistics. Histograms provide the  CBO with a more granular look at the data in identified columns.  Generally speaking, the better the statistics about a particular object  and data within the object, the better decisions the CBO can then make.

This article illustrates how to create, monitor, and utilize  histograms. I hope you find this information useful.

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