Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Session details associated with Oracle SID

set head off
set verify off
set echo off
set pages 1500
set linesize 100
set lines 120
prompt Details of SID / SPID / Client PID
prompt ==================================
select /*+ CHOOSE*/
‘Session  Id………………………………………: ‘||s.sid,
‘Serial Num……………………………………….: ‘||s.serial#,
‘User Name ……………………………………….: ‘||s.username,
‘Session Status …………………………………..: ‘||s.status,
‘Client Process Id on Client Machine ………………..: ‘||’*’||s.process||’*’  Client,
‘Server Process ID ………………………………..: ‘||p.spid Server,
‘Sql_Address ……………………………………..: ‘||s.sql_address,
‘Sql_hash_value …………………………………..: ‘||s.sql_hash_value,
‘Schema Name ….. ………………………………..: ‘||s.SCHEMANAME,
‘Program  ………………………………………..: ‘||s.program,
‘Module ………………………………………….: ‘|| s.module,
‘Action ………………………………………….: ‘||s.action,
‘Terminal ………………………………………..: ‘||s.terminal,
‘Client Machine …………………………………..: ‘||s.machine,
‘LAST_CALL_ET …………………………………….: ‘||s.last_call_et,
‘S.LAST_CALL_ET/3600 ………………………………: ‘||s.last_call_et/3600
from v$session s, v$process p
where p.addr=s.paddr and
set head on
Checking for Active Transactions SID
select username,t.used_ublk,t.used_urec from v$transaction t,v$session s where t.addr=s.taddr;
Session details from Session longops
select inst_id,SID,SERIAL#,OPNAME,SOFAR,TOTALWORK,START_TIME,LAST_UPDATE_TIME, username from gv$session_longops;
Session details with SPID
select sid, serial#, USERNAME, STATUS, OSUSER, PROCESS,
MACHINE, MODULE, ACTION, to_char(LOGON_TIME,’yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’)
from v$session where paddr in (select addr from v$process where spid = ‘&spid’)
To find Undo Generated For a given session
select  username,
t.used_ublk ,t.used_urec
from    gv$transaction t,gv$session s
where   t.addr=s.taddr and
To list count of connections from other machines
select count(1),machine from gv$session where inst_id=’&inst_id’ group by machine;
To get total count of sessions and processes
select count(*) from v$session;
select count(*) from v$process;
select (select count(*) from v$session) sessions, (select count(*) from v$process) processes from dual;
To find sqltext thru sqladdress
select sql_address from v$session where sid=1999;
select sql_text from v$sqltext where ADDRESS=’C00000027FF00AF0′ order by PIECE;
To find sqltext for different sql hashvalue
select hash_value,sql_text from v$sql where hash_value in (1937378691,1564286875,
To list long running forms user sessions
select s.sid,s.process,p.spid,s.status ,s.action,s.module, (s.last_call_et/3600) from
v$session s, v$process p where round(last_call_et/3600) >4 and action like ‘%FRM%’ and
p.addr=s.paddr ;
To list inactive Sessions respective username
SELECT username,count(*) num_inv_sess
FROM v$session
where last_call_et > 3600
and username is not null
group by username
order by num_inv_sess DESC;
SELECT count(*) FROM v$session where last_call_et > 43200 and username is not null AND
SELECT count(*) FROM v$session where last_call_et > 3600 and username is not null AND
To find session id with set of SPIDs
select sid from v$session, v$process where addr=paddr and spid in (‘11555′,’26265′,’11533′);
To find Sql Text given SQLHASH & SQLADDR
select piece,sql_text from v$sqltext where HASH_VALUE = &hash and ADDRESS =’&addr’ order by piece;
select piece,sql_text from v$sqltext where  ADDRESS =’&addr’ order by piece;

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