Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to Migrate SQL Profiles from One database to Another database

You can migrate SQL profile using export and import from one database to another database just like stored outline. Prior to oracle 10g you can migrate SQL profiles with the dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile procedure where as in oracle 10g release 2 and beyond using dbms_sqltunepackage. In both case you have to create a staging table on the source database and populate that staging table with the relevant data. Below is the step to migrate SQL profile in 10g release 2.
Step1. Create the staging table to store SQL Profiles in source databaseSQL> sys/oracle@sadhan as sysdba
(table_name => ‘SQL_PROFILES’,schema_name=>’HRMS’);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Step2. Now Copy SQL profiles from SYS to the Staging tableSQL> BEGIN
(profile_category => ‘%’,
staging_table_name => ‘SQL_PROFILES’,
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Note: As you need to copy all SQL profiles on my database ‘%’ value for profile_category was the best option.
Step3. Export the staging table at sourceSQL> select count(*) from HRMS.sql_profiles;
expdp system/***** dumpfile=expdp_sql_profiles.dmp TABLES=HRMS.SQL_PROFILES DIRECTORY=DPUMP
Step4. Restore the database with the backup taken before all SQL profiles were generated and import the staging table at target database.impdp system/***** dumpfile=expdp_sql_profiles.dmp TABLES=HRMS.SQL_PROFILES DIRECTORY=DPUMP TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE
Note: Do not forget to create staging table on destination database. Use replace = TRUE if you need to have same SQL_Profiles on both the database.
Step5. Finally Unpack the SQL profiles from the staging table on destination database.SQL> BEGIN
(staging_table_name => ‘SQL_PROFILES’,
staging_schema_owner=>’HRMS’, replace=>FALSE);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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