After creating the report you can send report output into Excel sheet. To do so add or create a SEND_EXCEL formula column and write the PL/SQL code as per the report output. Do not forget to create User parameter send_excel with the same datatype and width and also the specified directory where you want to send the Excel file in disk drive (which you mentioned inside cf_send_excel PL/SQL formula column path.
Create formula column CF_SEND_EXCEL
Column Type: Formula
Data type: Character – 20
Create User Parameters send_excel
Name: send_excel
Datatype: Character – 20
List of Values: Static Values
Add Value: YES, NO
Create place holder column cp_2
Column Type: Placeholder
Datatype: Number - 10
Value if Null: 0
Then write PL/SQL on the object CF_SEND_EXCEL
function CF_send_excelFormula return CHAR is
out_file text_io.file_type;
string varchar2(1000);
if :send_excel = 'YES' then
if :cp_2 = 0 then
out_file := text_io.fopen('C:\Oracle_Excel\Monthly_Trial_Bal_Report_Per_Acc.XLS','w');
string := 'Acctno'||chr(9)||
'm desc'||chr(9)||
'Net Balance'||chr(10)||
:cp_2 := 1;
elsif :cp_2 = 1 then
out_file := text_io.fopen('C:\Oracle_Excel\Monthly_Trial_Bal_Report_Per_Acc.XLS','a');
string :=:ABAL_ACCTNO||CHR(9)||
end if;
RETURN (null);
cp_2 is a placeholder column defined to identify send_excel column condition value either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. If the cp_2 value is 0 (Initially cp_2 value is 0 i.e ‘NO’) then it will display report output only but NOT sent into Excel file and if cp_2 value is 1 then it will display the report output as well as sent the defined output into Excel sheet.
out_file text_io.file_type;
string varchar2(1000);
It defines the maximum length of send_excel output file destination. You cannot put the output destination more than 1000.
out_file := text_io.fopen('C:\Oracle_Excel\Monthly_Trial_Bal_Report_Per_Acc.XLS','w');
fclose, fopen: is the defined function to open and close output file.
CHR(9) – is a horizontal tab
CHR(10) – is a Line feed
CHR(13) – is a Carriage return.
CHR(10) – is a Line feed
CHR(13) – is a Carriage return.
Note: If you are passing your parameter through form then add cf_send_excel into parameter form and remove any other parameter from report.
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